Alberta Science Network

North Alberta Region

Peace Region

Centered in Grande Prairie, ASN’s Peace Region programs provide science outreach for grades 1-8 students and their teachers. The program has strong support from the Forestry sector and the annual Arbour Day program and Walk Through the Forest field trips are very popular with grade 6 teachers and students.
Programs available in the Peace Region include:

Programs for kids
  • Scientists & Engineers-in-the-Classroom
  • Teacher Workshops
  • Chemistry All Around You - email to find out more.
  • Walk Through the Forest - May 7, 8, and 9, 2018.
    This event is geared for the Grade 6 Trees & Forests unit, and FREE bussing is available.
    Please email us to register
    Thank you to our partners for this event:
    - Canfor
    - Weyerhaeuser
    - Norbord
    - City of Grande Prairie Parks and Recreation
    - Peace Airshed Zone Association
    - Might Peace Watershed Alliance
    - International Paper
    - Alberta Agriculture and Forestry
  • Arbor Day May 3, 2018

For more information on programs in Northern Alberta, please contact the program coordinator.